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This story didn't exist this morning. I woke up with the intention of working on another photo story I'm planning. Last week I shot the major exteriors of a story I've been working on for two years. But there's still a lot of work to go on that one. I have detailed interiors to build and shoot. Look for it in the spring.

But in the meantime I wanted to do a few "quickie" stories, the kind that take a part of a day to shoot and publish. Like my first stories, "Top Cop Arrives" and "The Package" this story was inspired by circumstances.

This one was partly inspired by the snowstorm that left about 14" of snow all over this area. I was planning on doing a shoot this weekend for an upcoming story, but the snow was in the way. I wanted some, but not this much.

So I went into my office, gathered up all my potential snow vehicles and I thought I would just shoot pictures of them in the snow. But I wanted it to have a purpose. So I figured I'd have several Joes out in the snow recovering something. But what?

My wife gave me the Buddhist Face plaque which was once a pin she wore. It is now forever a part of the Adventure Team artifact collection and will be seen in upcoming stories. So she suggested he find that.

My quickie stories often have to do with some Karma that's been given to me, and recently, Nelson Binch sent me three letter-opener swords. This would be a great opportunity to thank him and deepen the story.

But what could the third artifact be?

I was standing in my living room and I saw three miniature teddy bears my daughter owns. That was it. The inspiration hit me like a ton of bricks. The whole story came together like it was always in my head waiting to get out.

An hour later, the pictures were shot, and I was editing.

And now here it is. About 12 hours since I began. Done.

I hope you enjoy reading it half as much as I had making it.

If you enjoyed this story, and would like to help make more stories, please consider making a small donation via PayPal by clicking the button below.

Sean Huxter

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GI Joe
