GI Joe
The Shadow Custom Joe

Lamont Cranston, playboy and man about town has a secret. He has studied in the orient, and learned the power to cloud mens' minds. As his alter-ego, The Shadow, he uses these powers to fight crime and corruption in 1920 New York.

Most famous, perhaps for the radio stories starring among others, Orson Welles, the Shadow also had his own pulp publication, and his stories were serialized within.

The ingredients for this custom are fairly easily available, with a couple of exceptions, perhaps.

Following are some pictures I shot of the Shadow custom. Click on any image for a larger image.

Comic Book Page One

My Custom in a similar pose

The Shadow front page

The Shadow Custom Joe

Pulp Cover
The Shadow pulp cover


A page from the comic book

The Shadow, his guns a'blazin!

The Shadow comic

The Shadow Custom Joe


This is a great picture!

One thing you may notice is that the blacks look blue. They are not. They are indeed jet black, but in altering the photographs to remove glare, and overlight, and considering I'm using a pretty crappy digital camera, the result shows more of a blue hue than there should be.

I seriously think that of all the customs I've played around with so far, this one is by far the most marketable. I could see this as an actual figure, if someone would just do it.

Packaged Up And Perfect

I took the carton from a Universal Monsters "Invisible Man" figure, strapped The Shadow to the built-in figure stand, and designed my own label for The Shadow. Click any image for a closeup.

I presented this package to my good friend, John Brooks, who was moving away to take a job in Washington state. He's a huge fan of The Shadow.

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