GI Joe

Trouble at Prosperity Bank

Trouble at Prosperity Bank

This "Adventures of" set is a very basic carded set, and sells for a low price to attract a younger market. This is a good thing for GI Joe because it will widen the target demographic, which means two things:

This set contains a standard pinhead GI Joe (the boxed "Adventures of" Joes have their own face sculpt and flocked hair - not this one), black pants with blue stripe, blue shirt (with decals for badge, sigh), hat, black socks and very nice dress shoes, belt, .45 automatic and a shotgun.

The extra-large stitching on the shirt makes it less refined, and more garish, sadly. They could have attached a plastic chrome badge, but didn't, they could have made the .45 better, but as it is it's an embarrassment for Hasbro. Looks like it was molded in chewing gum.

But this set is almost worth the price of $14.99 for the socks and shoes alone! I got this one, however, for $9.99

Card Front

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Card Back

Prosperity Bank (18K)
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