GI Joe

Save the Tiger

This Adventures Of GI Joe set includes a Classic Collection GI Joe figure with flocked hair, tan shorts, blue short-sleeved shirt, socks, tan boots, safari hat, binoculars, telephoto camera, tracking device, stun gun, white Bengal tiger, and a tracking collar.

This set revises the White Tiger Hunt (#7436), which includes tan pants, green jacket, rifle, campfire, bush hat, cage, a tent, and a white tiger. This set's goal seems to be capturing or killing the tiger, rather than saving it from extinction, but hey, times have changed.


White Tiger Hunt

White Tiger Hunt (apologies to Derryl DePriest)
(Click for larger image)
(From The Collectable GI Joe by Derryl DePriest. A must-have for any Joe enthusiast.)


Box Front

Save the Tiger (12K)
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Box Back

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