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GI Joe

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In 1992 LoadStar approached me with an idea to write a Desk Accessory similar to "Minesweeper", a PC game. I had never heard of the game. So I found a copy, played it for a while, and figured out how it worked. Then I wrote HAZARD!, which was published by LoadStar, the Disk Magazine for the Commodore 64 and 128. LoadStar is still going, and you can purchase disks by e-mailing them: Go to LoadStar

HAZARD! starts as a Desk Accessory. This means it can be run from within most applications from the geos menu, allowing for a little diversion while working in such programs as geoWrite, geoPaint or geoPublisher.

HAZARD! starts with a field of green with squares alternating between dark and light green. The idea here is that radioactive waste is buried in this field. You must detect where the radiation is and flag those squares as a Hazards.


When you select a square, it is highlighted in brown. Then your mouse is moved to a panel that allows you to decide whether the chosen square is a Hazard or a safe spot. If you decide it is a Hazard and are correct, the square is marked with a symbol. If you decide it is a safe spot and you guess correctly a number will appear from 1 to 8 telling you how many hazards are in the 3x3 block immediately connected to that square. If there are no hazards in the connecting squares, the square shows as blank. Once you decide, your mouse is placed exactly where it was on the board where you last clicked. This allows for a very quick gameplay with minimal extraneous mouse movement.


If you guess incorrectly either way all of the radioactive waste explodes and the game is over.


When you clear the entire board the squares begin flashing randomly until you choose to quit or start a new game. The entire time the game is on, a Score counts upward. The higher the number gets, the worse your score is. The lower the score, the better you did.


Would you like HAZARD? Go to my Download Page where you can find this file and others as zipped .D64 Disk Image Files for VICE Commodore Emulator.

GI Joe

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