3D Printing and Health Concerns

Yes. Depending on the filament being used, the 3D printer does emit fumes. Quite strong for some colors. Almost non-existent for others. At least by smell. This does not mean, however, that it’s not constantly filling the air with microscopic ABS particles.

And everyone I know has sent me the link this week, to this, or similar, articles. And I appreciate the thought, if not the sheer volume.

But fear not. I will now show you something. This is page ONE of a sketchbook I bought in order to jot down design ideas for my 3D printing. I drew this up several weeks ago, just after I got my printer.


I appreciate all the concern for my health. I do not take this lightly, as it is burgeoning tech, and can have unforeseen hazards. But I’m all over it.

This is a design for a hood to go over the printer, made from white PBC piping and connectors. And some of the connectors, if I can’t buy the exact ones I need, will be printed with my printer.

The printer at this moment is directly above an A/C duct, and directly next to a window which so far has been open during all printing. But it doesn’t suck the air away from the printer and out, so this hood design should do that for me.

You might say “I got it covered.” Well, not built yet, but I’m planning on upping the priority of building it.


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